Did you know that Coronavirus has caused a shortage in seeds? We know full well the pandemic stumped the distribution and production of hand sanitizer and masks, disinfecting sprays and cleaners, and…lest we forget…toilet paper too, but seeds?

It seems many people, whether as a hobby or a real need to remain self-sufficient during a pandemic, stocked up on seeds in order to start testing their green-fingered abilities to grow their own food!
So, there is no better time, in my opinion, than right now to discuss the role water plays in our food supply and food chain. We have already talked about Bio-Accumulation and how toxins can build up in the food chain through predators and prey. Today I want to talk about “Organic” as I have a personal internal argument with Organic.
So firstly; lets clarify what Organic means in the context of food. The Oxford Dictionary describes it as “(of food or farming methods) produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.”
Great. I agree. None of us want to be eating food that is grown with pesticides, or other artificial, man-made stuff that I can’t even pronounce and will certainly contaminate our food.
Organic Farming can also have its benefits on the water supply as well by not releasing contaminants into our ground water through the use of pesticides and such. In addition, certain Organically farmed crops need less water than those grown by traditional farming so again, this is good news for the water supply.
But. (You knew there would be a but right!?)

As per guidelines, Organic Farms are permitted to use local, rural or tap water to irrigate crops and will still receive an organic certification. Tap water has traces of MANY chemicals, including pesticides, but other impurities, like chlorine and pharmaceuticals, are also present in the tap water supply. The only thing farmers can’t do is add chemicals to the water used to irrigate their crops.
So that yummy, juicy looking, organic, double-the-price, red tomato was grown using un-filtered water?
... And then you are going to rinse it under your tap water, that also contains contaminants? (unless you have one of our water filters of course!)
... And they you are going to boil it in tap water, enhancing its flavor with that of chemicals already in the water?
... And you are going to drink a healthy glass of water while you are eating it? (Oh, that’s okay.. you’re drinking bottled water (enhanced with micro-plastics)? Or you get it from the fridge that has a filter, one offering a low level basic taste and odor filtration option and hasn’t been changed in 6 months…?
I think I have made my point. Don’t buy Organic, and then not focus on other equally important things that must be addressed such as clean water. Did you know that there are trace amounts of pesticides in your tap water?
One example is Dieldrin, an insecticide known to cause cancer, damage to the nervous system and can affect fetal growth. It was BANNED in 1974 from all uses except for termites, and then was banned completely in 1987 for all uses but, some 50 years later, there are still traces of it in some water supplies in the US. Municipal water utilities in 6 states (including NY, CT & PA), serving 1.3 million people show levels of Dieldrin in the water supply.
In addition, this chemical remains in soil for up to 60-years!
Atrazine is a contentious herbicide and with efforts and attempts to ban it not coming to fruition, it is literally sticking around. More than 44-million people in the US are served by a water utility that shows Atrazine in the water, with 16 million people’s water supply showing levels of this chemical over the health limit.

Atrazine is a known endocrine disruptor and may lead to other health issues such as cancer, reproductive damage, hormone disruption, brain and nervous system problems, as well as behavioral concerns. Trace amounts have also been detected in bottled water because, as you should well know, many bottled waters are just tap water filtered. So, depending on the filtration process used, any of these chemicals could still be in the water.
I found some interesting information in a Cornell study that says: “Between 1950 and 1980 production of synthetic organic pesticides more than tripled in the United States, from about 400 million pounds in 1950 to over 1.4 billion pounds in 1980. Although most of these compounds have not been detected in groundwater, a few have become significant contaminants. Twenty- two pesticides have been detected in U.S. wells, and up to 80 are estimated to have the potential for movement to groundwater under favorable conditions. One area with conditions highly conducive to leaching is Long Island, New York, where soils are sandy, the water table is shallow, and agriculture is intensive. A total of 13 pesticides have been detected at least once in Long Island groundwater”
And we are drinking this water? Bathing in it? Cooking with it?
This summer I got my fingernails dirty, attempting at-home gardening with my daughters. I have managed to grow more than some but definitely less than most; growing herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce mostly. The kids love picking things and eating them from the plant. Its an excitement and simple understanding that a tomato comes from a plant, not from a shelf, and teaches them to eat real and fresh.
What set me on this green gardener journey was the nagging question of what exactly is in the food I buy for my family.
Being in the water industry, is both fascinating and scary as nearly every day I learn more about what is in the water we use and how water makes such a difference to every living thing.
Do I want my juicy watermelons grown using contaminated water? Do I want to boil chlorine into my pasta?

I cannot control everything around me, nor do I want to. Doing so would make me too obsessive and I might forget the enjoyment of so much around me.
Still…I grow what I can, I buy organic if I can afford to, but most of all I always drink my own filtered, purified and re-mineralized water and use that same water to give life to my vegetable garden as well!
About PUR2o We are striving to provide as many people as possible with filtered, purified, naturally alkaline and ionized water for drinking and cooking straight from the tap, for three reasons. We care about the health of YOU, the health of our PLANET and the health of your POCKET!
THE HEALTH OF YOU Our goal is to provide as many people as possible with pure, crystal clear, safe & healthy water. PUR2o Alkaline water is shown to benefit: Overall health and energy, weight management, muscle stimulation, brain power, digestive system, mood, body temperature, youthfulness, complexion, lifespan, and boosting your immune system.
THE HEALTH OF OUR PLANET We are also committed to creating a greater awareness of how plastic and plastic bottles are polluting our planet and our bodies by providing the best water out of your tap, eliminating the amount of plastic we dispose of and how much water we consume out of plastic bottles.
THE HEALTH OF YOUR POCKET Aside from all the health benefits of Alkaline Water, you save a tremendous amount of money with our systems! Did you know?…. If you drink eight glasses of water each day, it will cost approximately $55 per year; vs $1,700 if you were to drink the same amount of bottled water instead. The PUR2o system pays for its self in only one year by one persons water consumption.